Springtails of the Vysočina Region
As a part of the Vysočina Region Biodiversity project, we process the occurrence and spread of rare, endangered and regionally important species of the springtails (Collembola) in the Vysočina Region. The required result is a commented list of all species of springtails found in the Vysočina Region. Part of the outcome will be a comprehensive list of literature dealing with their spread at the concerned area; for the rarest taxa, the maps of their current, eventually historical spread will be prepared. A list of most important localities of the Vysočina Region will be made. The project will include complementation of the species overview and current spread by field survey, excerpt of historical as well as present literature available and cooperation with other experts.
Guarantee: RNDr. Peter Čuchta, Ph.D. (realised in cooperation with Biology Centre of the CAS, Institute of Soil Biology of the CAS).
Within the framework of the project "Vysočina Region Biodiversity", the occurrence and spread of the springtails (Collembola) in the Vysočina Region was studied. Of the 345 species documented in the territory of the Czech Republic, 125 taxa have been detected in the Vysočina Region.
List of springtails (Collembola) of the Vysočina Region
Říše: Živočichové (Animalia)
Kmen: Členovci (Arthropoda)
Třída: Skrytočelistní (Entognatha)
Řád: Chvostoskoci (Collembola)
- Arrhopalites sp.
- Bilobella aurantiaca
- Ceratophysella armata
- Ceratophysella denticulata
- Choreutinula inermis
- Deutonura albella
- Deutonura conjuncta
- Friesea mirabilis
- Friesea truncata
- Hypogastrura socialis
- Hypogastrura viatica
- Mesaphorura critica
- Mesaphorura florae
- Mesaphorura hylophila
- Mesaphorura macrochaeta
- Mesaphorura rudolfi
- Mesaphorura tenuisensillata
- Micranurida granulata
- Micranurida pygmaea
- Micranurida sp. 1
- Odontella lamellifera
- Paratullbergia callipygos
- Pseudachorutella asigillata
- Pseudachorutes boerneri
- Pseudachorutes corticicolus
- Pseudachorutes crassus
- Pseudachorutes dubius
- Pseudachorutes parvulus
- Pseudachorutes subcrassus
- Schoetella ununguiculata
- Sminthurinus alpinus
- Sminthurinus aureus
- Sminthurinus elegans
- Sphaeridia pumilis
- Stenaphorura quadrispina
- Triacanthella perfecta
- Willemia anophthalma
- Willemia denisi
- Willemia intermedia
- Xenylla boerneri
- Xenylla brevisimilis brevisimilis
- Xenylla corticalis
- Xenylla schillei
- bezchvostka (Neanura minuta)
- bezchvostka (Neanura pseudoparva)
- bezchvostka trouchobytná (Neanura muscorum)
- huňatka (Entomobrya arborea)
- huňatka (Entomobrya corticalis)
- huňatka (Entomobrya germanica)
- huňatka (Entomobrya marginata)
- huňatka (Entomobrya muscorum)
- huňatka (Entomobrya nivalis)
- huňatka (Entomobrya quinquelineata)
- huňatka (Heteromurus nitidus)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus cyaneus)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus lignorum)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus pallidus)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus serbicus)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus sp. 1)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus sp. 2)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus szeptyckii)
- huňatka (Lepidocyrtus violaceus)
- huňatka (Orchesella alticola)
- huňatka (Orchesella bifasciata)
- huňatka (Orchesella cincta)
- huňatka (Orchesella flavescens)
- huňatka (Orchesella spectabilis)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella bohemica)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella hercynica)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella horaki)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella tyrrhena)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella wahlgreni)
- huňatka (Pseudosinella zygophora)
- huňatka (Willowsia buski)
- kulatka měnivá (Dicyrtoma fusca)
- larvěnka (Deharvengiurus denisi)
- larvěnka (Hymenaphorura nova)
- larvěnka (Hymenaphorura polonica)
- larvěnka (Micraphorura absoloni)
- larvěnka (Onychiuroides granulosus)
- larvěnka (Onychiurus scotarius)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura armata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura aurantiaca)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura campata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura glebata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura procampata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura subuliginata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura tricampata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura vanderdrifti)
- olověnka (Tomocerina minuta)
- olověnka (Tomocerus minor)
- olověnka obecná (Tomocerus vulgaris)
- olověnka žlutavá (Pogonognathellus flavescens)
- podrepka (Allacma gallica)
- podrepka (Deuterosminthurus bicinctus)
- podrepka (Lipothrix lubbocki)
- podrepka (Spatulosminthurus flaviceps)
- podrepka hnědá (Allacma fusca)
- poskok (Anurophorus atlanticus)
- poskok (Anurophorus laricis)
- poskok (Coloburella zangherii)
- poskok (Cryptopygus bipunctatus)
- poskok (Desoria blekeni)
- poskok (Desoria germanica)
- poskok (Desoria olivacea)
- poskok (Desoria tigrina)
- poskok (Desoria violacea)
- poskok (Folsomia candida)
- poskok (Folsomia inoculata)
- poskok (Folsomia lawrencei)
- poskok (Folsomia manolachei)
- poskok (Folsomia penicula)
- poskok (Folsomia quadrioculata)
- poskok (Folsomia spinosa)
- poskok (Isotomiella minor)
- poskok (Isotomurus hadriaticus)
- poskok (Parisotoma notabilis)
- poskok (Proisotoma minima)
- poskok (Pseudisotoma sensibilis)
- poskok (Tetracanthella similis)
- poskok (Tetracanthella stachi)
- poskok (Vertagopus cinereus)
- poskok zelený (Isotoma viridis)
- zrněnka (Megalothorax minimus)
Podkmen: Šestinozí = šestinožci (Hexapoda)
Podřád: Poduromorpha (Poduromorpha)
Čeleď: Neanuridae (Neanuridae)
Podčeleď: Pseudachorutinae (Pseudachorutinae)
Čeleď: Hypogastruridae (Hypogastruridae)
Čeleď: Larvěnkovití (Onychiuridae)
Podčeleď: Onychiurinae (Onychiurinae)
- larvěnka (Hymenaphorura sp.)
- larvěnka (Onychiurus sp.)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura cf. campata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura cf. subulingulata)
- larvěnka (Protaphorura cf. tricampata)